Electrocute 1 & 2 2024


Material: travel adapters, extension lead

Dimensions: variable

The series of artworks «Electrocute» consists of various travel adapters stuck together by their pins and sockets. Universal adapters enable us to keep control over ones electrical connectivity on travels abroad. Travelling for pleasure, business or necessity requires adaptation not only in a cultural but also in a technical sense.
Product design invented and shaped innumerable of these appliances and mass tourism—for Hans Magnus Enzensberger «a mass medium in it’s own right»1—certainly helped to propel their sales.

Being connected, may it be to the mains and in consequence to mass media and communication, ensures to uphold our every day life and habits. These adapters, somewhat randomly and impractically concatenated make sculptures of a paradox nature, bridging a clumsy comicality and a superfluous complexity. Possibly a reminder of the desperate situation when we do not have an adapter at hand, but is much-needed.

1 Enzensberger, Hans Magnus: «Critical essays», quote inside essay «The Industrialization of the Mind», 1982, The Continuum Publishing Company, New York

Related Information About the Artwork

«Electrocute #1» was part of the group exhibition SAS

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